Meet Our Large Animal Veterinary Team

Dr. Clinton was raised on a dairy farm and has been involved in the agricultural community most of his life. After attending the University of Guelph as an Ontario Agriculture Collegiate 96 ‘Aggie’, Reg went on to graduate from the OVC in the class of 2000.
Shortly after that he moved to the Kirkton area and started his career as a mixed animal practitioner gently evolving into a bovine specialist. In 2001 the KVC began embryo transfer and with the addition of Dr. Haight in 2005 have since expanded into embryo splitting, sexing, and more transfer (see While Reg especially enjoys working with dairymen to advance the health and productivity of their herds, he knows that herds are made of individuals and is still keen to solve individual cow issues. In 2004 Reg completed the Dairy Health Management Certificate program with Dr. Buckland through the OVC and has recently completed a course on Dynamic Milk Testing to improve milking efficiency for the cow and the dairyman.
Outside work Reg is involved with the family farm with his brother and parents. Reg is married with 2 children, 1 cat, and a herd of 35 cows.

Dr. Mac Littlejohn grew up on a beef, hog and grain farm in Elgin County. He graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 2002 and started working for the St. Mary’s Veterinary Clinic shortly after. In 2007, the St. Marys and Kirkton clinics were amalgamated.
In his opinion, the merger of the Kirkton and St. Mary’s vet clinics has allowed the practice to attract great veterinary talent to its large bovine group. This large group allows the practice to develop and offer new valuable services to its clients without compromising the quality of medicine and surgery that their clients were accustomed to.
Mac’s main area of interest is implementing economical, practical, herd-specific preventative medicine protocols including vaccination programs, ventilation systems and facility design to improve the herd’s environment. He feels these protocols are vital to the success of his livestock clients.
Mac services the Southwestern Ontario beef industry in both the feedlot and cow/calf sector. For the cow/calf sector he provides bull breeding soundness evaluations. He also does in depth data analysis on disease trends for feedlots to improve their animal health protocols and therefore the morbidity and mortality.

Dr. Haight graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 2005. Upon graduation he moved to British Columbia and worked at the Abbotsford Veterinary Clinic, a 100% dairy practice with a strong focus on embryo transfer and preventative medicine.
In 2007, Adam moved back to Ontario to work at the Kirkton Veterinary Clinic. Immediately upon his return, Adam started flushing cows and has enjoyed the growth in that side of the practice. Adam also enjoys conducting regular herd healths for a number clients.
Adam is the owner of Braemar Holsteins, a prefix he took over from his grandfather, Adam Marshall of Caledonia. Adam’s herd started with calves he purchased for his brother and himself to show in 4H. Adam has purchased and sold numerous Holsteins and embryos and enjoys the thrill of watching the animals develop that are the result of the matings he has chosen.
Adam lives with his wife and two daughters in St. Marys, Ontario.

Dr. Robyn lives just outside of St Marys with her husband and two ginger boys. She is an OVC 2010 grad and has been practicing dairy medicine since graduation.
She made the move to Kirkton Bovine Services in July 2017 and enjoys working fulltime with a highly motivated team of cow vets. Currently, she is enrolled in the Dairy Health Management Certificate program and is finding it extremely rewarding to apply these skills to her current clients. In her “spare” time she and her husband have a 100 acre farm with 120 ewes and 2 hay burning horses. Being on the OABP executive has been one of her career goals and she is excited to be able to work along side this unique organization.

Dr. Gillian Davidson has always been interested in the dairy industry, having milked at dairy farms in Perth County and participated in 4H. She attended the University of Guelph for her undergraduate degree in biological sciences and was able to work at the University of Guelph Ponsonby Dairy Research Center during the summers. She attended the Ontario Veterinary College and graduated in 2016. After graduation, Dr. Gillian began working in a mixed animal practice in Bruce County. Dr. Gillian enjoyed working with animals of all sizes, but jumped at the opportunity to work at the Kirkton Veterinary Clinic in January of 2017, allowing her to focus on bovine medicine. Dr. Davidson has a strong interest in surgery and is always expanding her surgical repetoire. Her other focuses include calf care and milking hygiene. When she is not working with cows, Dr. Gillian also enjoys small ruminant medicine. She is often seen driving with her truck dog Poppy, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. Outside of work, she enjoys playing hockey, soccer, and painting.

Dr. Tricia Hornsby grew up on a beef farm in Kentucky. She was active in 4H and FFA and showed Angus cattle as well as swine and sheep. She graduated from The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2012.
After graduation, she worked as a mainly dairy vet for a mixed animal practice in Tillsonburg, Ontario, for six years before joining Kirkton Veterinary Services as a bovine veterinarian in May 2018. Dr. Tricia is very excited to be working with such an innovative clinic and is eager to especially learn more about embryo transfer and IVF. She and her boyfriend live in the Tillsonburg area and, in her free time, she enjoys playing soccer, spending time outdoors and reading.

Dr. Brooke Gilmer grew up on a dairy farm in Eastern Ontario where she developed a keen interest in agriculture and the dairy industry at a young age.
She enjoyed learning about animal health practices from veterinarians at her family farm which facilitated her goal of becoming a bovine veterinarian. Brooke completed her undergraduate degree in Biology at the University of Ottawa and graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 2015. Following graduation, Brooke worked as a bovine veterinarian in Listowel, Ontario for 4 years mainly focusing on dairy herd health. She was excited to join the Kirkton Veterinary clinic in May 2019 and hopes to continue to grow her knowledge in the dairy herd management field from the team progressive bovine veterinarians at Kirkton. Her main interests are transition cow health and reproduction. In her free time Brooke enjoys camping, hiking and traveling.

Steve grew up in Perth County and has had an interest in veterinary medicine since a young age. After graduating from McMaster University, he attended Ontario Veterinary College, and is a 2022 graduate.

Rachel grew up on a pig farm in Perth County and has been working as a veterinarian in the dairy industry since graduation. Rachel graduated from the Ontario Agriculture Collage in 2012 and from the Ontario Veterinary College in 2016. She completed the dairy health management certificate program in 2019 and in 2023 made the move to Kirkton Veterinary Clinic.
Rachel lives on a hobby farm near Dublin with her husband and son. In her spare time, she enjoys showing and breeding her quarter horses and hopes to add some beef cattle to her farm in the near future.

Biography coming soon!

Dr. Alina is from Oxford County. Alina always knew she wanted to be a large animal veterinarian. Her mother is a nurse and her father was a farmer working in seedcorn research so it seemed to be a perfect blend of both worlds. She grew up on a hobby farm with horses but knew from a young age she wanted to work with cattle after spending time on her aunt’s dairy farm. This passion was fueled when she started working at a vet clinic in high school. The dairy vet took her under his wing, and from then on, she was hooked. She attended the University of Guelph and received a bachelors’ degree in Animal Biology before attending the Ontario Veterinary College for her DVM.
After graduation in 2019, Alina knew she wanted to venture west with her partner Matt. She worked for large bovine and swine practice in Saskatchewan for 4 years, focusing on dairy, beef and small ruminants. She has just recently moved back to Ontario with her husband and is excited to be back near her family and of course, back in dairy country. She has just joined our team here at Kirkton and is excited to meet all of our producers.
Outside of work Alina loves to be outdoors camping, exploring, and hiking with Matt and their two dogs.